the wearable for health, well-being and balance
Healy is the first wearable for microcurrent and frequency application and offers you and your loved ones bioenergetic support in the areas of health, fitness, wellness, lifestyle, beauty and balance.
The Healy supports you through frequencies where imbalances need to be balanced.
Erhöhe dein Wohlbefinden mit den neuen Healy Modellen
Deinen Healy/MagHealy bestellen und dich selbst überzeugen
Do you want to bring the entirety of your life into harmony?
My team and I will accompany you to bring more balanced quality into your life, both privately and professionally
Nice to meet you!
Ich bin Martina Bubl-Porro und begeisterte Healy Anwenderin.
Als Healy World Brand Partnerin bin ich im größten, deutschsprachigen Healy Netzwerk aus privaten Anwendern, Coaches, Therapeuten, Heilpraktikern und Ärzten bei allen Fragen für dich da.
Als Kund:in oder Member profitierst du dabei von unserem umfangreichen Anwender-Wissen und zahlreichen zusätzlichen Angeboten.
An erster Stelle steht für mich und mein Team die persönliche Beratung, falls dir bei den auf dieser Webseite gezeigten Informationen noch Fragen in den Sinn kommen.
Warum ich mich dafür entschieden habe, Brand Partnerin zu sein?
Very easily:
- Ich bin aus eigener Erfahrung fest davon überzeugt, dass der Healy einen erheblichen Beitrag dazu leisten kann, dass Menschen sowohl privat als auch beruflich mehr Harmonie in ihrem Leben erreichen können.
Kontaktiere uns einfach über den Chat Button unten rechts, per Email oder Telefon.
We are looking forward to you!
Martina mit Team
PS: Lass uns gemeinsam mehr Lebensqualität im Hier und Jetzt erreichen und die Berufswelt der Zukunft gestalten!
1. Wenn du Coach oder Mentor:in bist, kannst du noch mehr profitieren:
Bei der Wahl einer Healy Resonance Plus oder Professional Edition ist ein Programm "Train The Trainer zum Quantensprung Success Coach" inklusive.
2. Wenn du Interesse am Healy Networking Business hast:
Als Independent Healy World Member kannst du dein Arbeitsleben so gestalten, wie es dir am besten entspricht.
Du bestimmst dein eigenes Tempo, zusammen mit deinen eigenen Partnern setzt du dich für eine Verbesserung in der Gesellschaft ein.
Wenn du an der Weiterbildung zum "Quantensprung Success Coach" interessiert bist, dann schreib mir eine persönliche Nachricht an
Gerne schicke ich dir dann den Link für Termine zu einem Online Workshop.
In diesem erlebst du live das Arbeiten mit dem Success Coach Tool.
Solltest du Independent Healy World Member sein wollen, bin ich als deine primäre Beraterin für dich da und begleite dich als Mentorin in deiner persönlichen Entwicklung im Healy Business.
Kontaktiere mich bei Fragen gerne per Mail oder telefonisch.
Mein Team und ich freuen uns darauf, dich kennenzulernen!
contact me here:
Erhöhe dein Wohlbefinden mit den neuen Healy Modellen
Deinen Healy/MagHealy bestellen und dich selbst überzeugen
The Healy in numbers
2.000+ experienced users
have the Healy technology
used for over 10 years
70% of users
have already after 6 applications
positive effects achieved
100M+ applications
were carried out worldwide
300.000+ members
the Healy World family
As of July 2022
94% of Healy users
would recommend the Healy
healy in numbers
2.000+ experienced users
have the Healy technology
used for over 10 years
50M+ applications
were carried out worldwide
300.000+ members
the Healy World family
As of July 2022
70% of users
have already after 6 applications
positive effects achieved
94% of Healy users
would recommend the Healy
Healy Facts
the wearable for health, well-being and balance
MODULE & application areas
A comprehensive system for health, fitness and more joy in life - and far more than the sum of its parts!
All solutions already lie within you. Make them visible with the following Healy modules and use them to find new solutions for you and your clients.
Resonance & Aura Analysis
Dive into the depths of the information field
The HealAdvisor Analysis Resonance Module is your comprehensive guide with concentrated expert knowledge from years of experience of experts from a wide range of application areas - summarized in various databases.
Use the following databases to find out what resonates most with you: • Bach flowers • I-Ching • Courage • Australian bush flowers • Schuessler salts • Alaskan gemstone elixirs • Creative information – Psyche
Within the Aura analysis you will learn more about the energy level of your seven chakras.
The chakra interpretation texts contain information on various subject areas such as
• Energy level • Goal • Life theme • Physical • Psychological • Emotional • Spiritual
Personal & Success COACH
With the two coaching modules - Personal Coach & Success Coach - you can quickly and easily find solution-oriented information patterns for the topic that is currently in focus: • Family & Personal Relationships • Self-Esteem • Emotional Balance
• Spirituality • Goals • Potential • Career • Finances •
Recognize blind spots in your perception • Discover aspects of your personality that are blocking you and of which you are not aware • See things more clearly • Make decisions and initiate change!
healadvisor search & Digital Nutrition
A unique AI module & your very personal guide for more fitness, well-being & balance!
The HealAdvisor app uses a variety of expert databases to quickly and easily recommend the appropriate IMF-Healy programs to harmonize your bioenergetic field. The databases are continuously expanded with knowledge about the effects of frequencies in various areas of life.
The HealAdvisor Digital Nutrition App uses the cloud to determine your nutritional type, determine your personal nutritional profile and search for suitable IMF programs. Here, too, the recommendations are constantly updated. The subscription includes IMF programs for 72 blends on various topics such as •hair, performance, mobility, etc.
Find the nutrients that support your vitality & receive a customized list of foods that naturally contain them & match your nutritional profile
The Healy is a device for both humans and animals:
mwith 12 Healy programs especially for animals and special useful accessories
The ANimal kit also includes:
• Electrodes, applicator sponges and straps
• A specially adapted Healadvisor - Animal module in the Heal Advisor app
• Versatile and holistic Harmonization of the bioenergetic field
• More peace, inner strength, harmony and care for your animal
Erhöhe dein Wohlbefinden mit den neuen Healy Modellen
Deinen Healy/MagHealy bestellen und dich selbst überzeugen
Erhöhe dein Wohlbefinden mit den neuen Healy Modellen
Deinen Healy/MagHealy bestellen und dich selbst überzeugen
the maghealy
Good frequencies wherever you are
The MagHealy complements the original and very successful Healy. Together they form a synergy, whereby the Healy focuses on the bioenergetic field of humans concentrated and inner well-being promotes, harmonizes the MagHealy through a pulsating magnetic field the room.
Erhöhe dein Wohlbefinden mit den neuen Healy Modellen
Deinen Healy/MagHealy bestellen und dich selbst überzeugen
Supports you every day
If you are not sure whether the Healy is right for you, take advantage of the opportunity to test it without obligation and in the comfort of your own home, while doing sports or in everyday life.
I offer you a high-quality one support through our, from Therapists, sports scientists, trainers and coaches developed experience in your first 7 days with the Healy.
So you can do all of them Get to know the functions thoroughly, which Healy from the beginning to use correctly and your well-being valuable tips increase.
It's so easy to try out the Healy yourself without obligation:
Order the Healy
Order your Healy with a 14-day right of return and get your money back without any problems if, contrary to expectations, it does not convince you
Contact me
Write me a short message when your Healy has arrived and we'll start your experience together!
Tailor-made support & training
Unique support awaits you
Erhöhe dein Wohlbefinden mit den neuen Healy Modellen
Deinen Healy/MagHealy bestellen und dich selbst überzeugen