Experience - Day 5

Good morning and welcome to day 5 of your Healy experience.

Today’s topics:

Quantum technologies and mindfulness

We really hope you are doing well and that you have been able to integrate some of our suggestions so far into your everyday life.

Are you already feeling the first changes - psychological or physical? We would like to remind you once again how important it is to drink enough water. Water is our elixir of life, our body is made up of 70-80% water and the frequency applications will not work optimally without sufficient water intake.


As already mentioned, this is an essential component for applications that are individually tailored to you and your situation using your Healy.

Quanta are tiny particles of subatomic size and are often associated with future technologies or science fiction. Quantum physics technologies are not new, they now account for almost a third of the gross national product in Germany and are present everywhere in everyday life (see e.g. lasers). This also applies to the medical field, where they can be used directly for our health and well-being.

The noise generator in the Healy is designed to solve the problem of non-specific frequency application by using direct measurements in the body's biophysical information field to determine which frequencies your organism resonates with most strongly at any given moment. This selects the ideal sequence of frequencies and plays frequencies that are individually tailored to you. The noise generator also determines progress and when your cells are saturated with the specific frequency.


Here are our frequency recommendations for today -
for morning, noon and evening:

In the morning


(Gold Cycle)

The Pure program is the ideal starting point for anyone using the Healy App IMF programs for the first time. It is designed to help your body's energy field recover from the bioenergetic effects of environmental factors



(Gold Cycle)

The delicate balance of the various body systems is very important for our well-being and our health. The Balance program ensures bioenergetic harmony; it is an ideal program for a deep bioenergetic harmonization of the entire energy field of our body.

in the evening


(Gold Cycle)

What the Balance program is for the body, Being is for our soul. It is designed to help you stay centered in the confusion of life.

With regard to general well-being and what you can do personally for it, apart from using the Healy, we have chosen the topic of mindfulness today:


This evening you will have carried out your thirteenth frequency application and thereby provided your cells with a great deal of energy. This is a good opportunity to ground yourself and to feel with focus and mindfulness what positive processes you have initiated or accelerated.

The Dalai Lama explained mindfulness as follows:
Mindfulness means that we remain completely focused on what we are doing without allowing ourselves to be distracted.
As we now know, practicing mindfulness has many concrete benefits, such as improving mood, reducing depression, becoming more resistant to stress, increasing the ability to concentrate, and developing more sensitivity, concentration and openness.
Here is another example of a very simple mindfulness exercise. This can be wonderfully combined with a walk and the last application of the day.

When you walk, simply take your shoes off and, if the weather allows it, find a meadow and walk a few steps barefoot. This will not only physically release excess energy, but will also give you the opportunity to sharpen your perception. Our feet are mechanical and sensory masterpieces, consisting of 31 joints, 107 ligaments, over 30 muscles and around 70.000 sensitive nerve endings that help us coordinate our movements and feel the ground precisely. When you walk, concentrate fully on your steps, mindfully perceive all movements and impressions until you are completely focused and use the opportunity to feel into your body, think or simply consciously linger in this moment. 


  1. 1
    Quantum physics technologies are not new, but are present everywhere and account for about a third of the gross national product in Germany
  2. 2
    Quantum technology makes applications tailored to you and your situation possible with the Healy
  3. 3
    The patented technology in the form of a noise generator in the Healy solves the problem of non-specific frequency applications
  4. 4
    Healy's patented technology tracks progress and determines when your cells are saturated with the specific frequency
  5. 5
    Mindfulness is a method that has been proven to have many concrete benefits, such as reducing depression, resilience to stress, improved concentration and much more.
  6. 6
    Use our tips for more mindfulness in everyday life to ground yourself, switch off better and faster and arrive completely in the here and now

Have fun and see you tomorrow!

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